White Pages NZ, White Online, is a New Zealand residential and business directory that is part of the Yellow Pages Group. Search the comprehensive directories by name and location to get addresses and phone numbers.
For more help locating places in New Zealand see regions of New Zealand South Island and North Island and lists of cities and towns.
White Pages results also provide you with access to a map and driving or walking directions from any location to the residential or business address you're looking for.
There is a Postcode Finder on the site. As in many countries, the use of postcodes helps reduce the risk of post going to the wrong address where streets and areas are duplicated or similar within the same country. Post codes create a unique address for New Zealand Post's entire delivery network.
A tool for international calling codes is also provided on the site. You insert the country you want to call and the results provide the dialling codes required for each area or region of the country, prime call time and when will be the best time to make the call. It's an invaluable service when making international calls!
In addition, the site also provides access to emergency information with nationwide numbers and hospitals in main location centres being provided.
White Pages New Zealand residential and business directory. Also known as White Online.
The main emergency number in New Zealand is 111. Make a note of this number to take with you in case you need to contact emergency services for any reason while in New Zealand.