Wellington City Map New Zealand

Below is a map of Wellington City street map expandable to regional map.

Zoom into the map to see more detail of what is in every street in Central Wellington, the waterfront, harbour, and suburbs.

Zoom out to find routes, places, national parks and attractions in the wider region and across New Zealand. If you are boarding a ferry to the South Island you will be able to also view Picton town and region.

To open a larger map in a new window click ‘View larger map’, this will make it easier to zoom in.

Wellington City
Wellington harbour, quay, waterfront and suberbs on the hills, New Zealand

Central Wellington

Find a range of accommodation, cafes, restaurants, galleries, museums, parks and gardens, pubs and clubs, supermarkets, sports venues, walks and tracks, public toilets and tourist services all pinpointed on the map.

Wellington and Beyond

Wellington Capital City of New Zealand

Wellington Transport

Wellington City Attractions and Things to Do - List of 50 top attractions

Wellington Annual Events Through the Year

Wellington Region Attractions and Movie Film Locations

Cook Strait Ferries from Wellington to Picton

Wellington Harbour Ferry Day Trip

Wellington City Map